Sunday, March 29, 2009

making poopie

something's happening...

oooh, it's coming!

THERE it is!

I never knew you could obsess so much about bowel movements, and this coming from a veteran of Crohn's disease.... 

Some thoughts/conversations that fill my day:

Has he pooped yet?
Is he making poopie now? 
When did he last poop?
What was it like?
Wait - is that a poopy face, or is he just gassy?
Oooh, that's a smeller!

And then, when it comes:

Holy s*?t!
That's a biggie!
Just like spackle (with some color additives)...

Which then means a new diaper for Caleb, and a fresh onesie, and possibly some pants and socks depending on how wriggly he was during the change/wipe (or how far-reaching the poopie). Then I rinse the diaper in the toilet, throw it in the bathroom sink to soak (and later be admired by Caleb's daddy), and PRAY that baby is exhausted enough from doing his big job that he'll nap for an hour or two while I recover.

Then we await the next round :)

1 comment:

Tory said...

it only gets better...Finlay pooped outside the bars of his crib in the 30 seconds his dipe was off from the first poop...I should have sensed he wasn't done yet by his face, he was obviously trying to tell me....
do you not have a good washing machine? I'm asking b/c I have never rinsed, soaked, or done anything w/ baby poop dipes other than throw them in the washing machine, hot cycle, extra rinse. The old days of soaking diapers are done, I store dirty ones in a simple-human style step-on trash can w/ plastic insert.
Short cuts work! good luck xxoo