Friday, March 13, 2009

where's the baby?!?

I went to write in my blog this morning thinking I had some great ideas, and they all escaped me. Who says pregnancy messes with your brain function? I was not and am not pregnant but think that fact has little to do with the way my synapses are misfiring. I have had the same pajamas on for the past 36 hours. I have been mixing bottles, washing bottles, sterilizing bottles and refilling bottles on a mad endless cycle. There are little piles all over the house of tasks begun and abandoned as I hail to the calls of baby Caleb. At 2 1/2 weeks old, he has no fixed timetable just yet, so he - and I - are all over the place. Yesterday I had dumped a load of laundry in one side of his crib so I could fold it and hang out with him while he dozed. I went into our bedroom to put clothes in the dresser and checked on the baby in his bassinet but he wasn't there. Where's the baby?! WHERE'S THE BABY?!??! A frantic loop around our tiny upstairs found him safely in his crib, sleeping, well, like a baby. I swooped him up, knocking his tiny noggin on one of the framed pictures above his bed (now I am rethinking the whole baby-room picture placement) which promptly woke him. There went "my time" to get things done. I have so far tried 3 child slings in an effort to keep baby near and cosy while also alleviating the "where's the baby?!" fears as I putter around the house. None of them work, at least not the way I'd envisioned. Either he's uncomfortable or I'm uncomfortable - bound, claustrophobic, squished. And while I am getting quite accomplished at doing things with one hand while the baby's in the other, I can't help but think there's a small safety issue there....

1 comment:

Tory said...

sent a meatier response by email but forgot to tell you I have only ever had 3 bottles in rotation, have never sterilyzed them (hot hot soapy water, yes), and will simply rinse it if I just used it recently. They seem to be surviving....just remember he is going to be eating things found on the ground pretty soon.