Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Happy Adoption Day - July 28th, 2009

Now 1o months since we began the process of adopting baby Caleb, he is finally, legally, ours-all-ours! What a happy-sad day; crying with relief after the hearing, I realized just how much this moment has been weighing on me. But now it is done, the adoption is FINAL, and we will shortly receive Caleb's birth certificate with our names listed as parents...what a day. Share the joy in our "new family" pics.


Unknown said...

Such sweet pictures! Congratulations on this special day. Tell him how much he is loved and adored by his entire family. Can't wait for "tummy time".

Tory said...

I had no idea it wasn't official 10 months ago! You must be extremely relieved. The pictures are lovely and he really does look like you!