Thursday, July 23, 2009

Album of the Week

On a recent 4-hour drive baby decided he had had enough of his carseat and wanted OUT, NOW! We still had 40 or so miles of highway to go before home, and no amount of cooing, cajoling or forehead stroking was helping. After listening to him caterwaul for 20 minutes we had the big bright idea of turning on the stereo. Ta-dah! Magic, or Moby, as it were. Beautiful music, peaceful baby, almost home. Aaaahh.

1 comment:

Tory said...

Isn't it great when you find things that work? Our week got much better....
Jasper thinks Moby is dada (his mistakes are usually much more complementary, as he asked if the very sexy and VERY young model on the last cover of Wallpaper was me). That's my boy.