Wednesday, August 26, 2009

;( This Is How I Feel Right Now

What a few days it has been. Home sick with a fever/headache/sore throat while outside it is finally SUMMER! in all its beautiful glory. Caleb has been clingy and I don't want to get too close for fear of spreading germs but just HOW do you NOT get close to an almost toddler who lifts his arms to you and coos/whimpers every time you pass him?

And of course today is again a day where the cat gets sick in a major way, baby's outfit has had to be changed at least 5 times due to diaper soak-throughs or major spit-ups, and I think he's developing not only diaper rash but a rash on his face from, possibly, peas??? Are peas a known allergen? Really?

Did I mention Caleb has mastered how to rip open the Velcro closures to his diaper covers? Yup, he can whip them right off now whenever he feels like it. Lovely.

1 comment:

Tory said...

ah, the diaper pull offs...I suggest always putting pants on now or switching to the snap-kind which are much more sturdy than the velcro. Globs of desitin work wonders (that or burt's bees are the only ones that work for me, the butt butter never did at all). Face rash could be anything, warm weather acne/heat rash? I have heard of legume allergy.
sad you're sick...soup and rest. John might have to take a sick day.:)